
Change - Announcement Of Resignation Of Executive Director And Chief Executive Officer

Back Feb 06, 2015
Announcement Title Change - Announcement of Cessation
Announcement Subtitle Resignation of Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Date & Time of Broadcast Feb 6, 2015 19:04
Submitted By Toon Choi Fan
Company Secretary
Description Resignation of Mr Chong Sien Chern Cedric as Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Cessation Details
Name of person Chong Sien Chern Cedric
Age 34
Is effective date of cessation known? Yes
Effective date for cessation Feb 6, 2015
Detailed reason(s) for cessation To pursue personal interests.
Are there any unresolved differences in opinion on material matters between the person and the board of directors, including matters which would have a material impact on the group or its financial reporting? No
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer? No
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer? No
Date of appointment to current position Dec 1, 2013
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this cessation)? Yes
Number of independent directors currently resident in Singapore (taking this account this cessation) 3
Number of cessations of appointments specified in Listing Rule 704(7) or Catalist Rule 704(6) over the past 12 months 3
Job Title Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Role and responsibilities Responsible for the overall management of the Group, setting strategic directions while managing operations and plans for the Group's future growth and expansion.
Familial relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidaries Nil
Shareholdings interest in the listed issuer and its subsidaries? Yes
Shareholding Details Deemed to have an interest in the 300,000,000 shares held by Qumulus Pte. Ltd.
Other directorships
Past (for the last 5 years) VRZ Pte Ltd (Struck off)
Jobpair Pte Ltd (Struck off)
L2 Hosting (De-register sole proprietorship)
Webwave Asia (De-register sole proprietorship)
Wholivesnearyou (De-register partnership)
Tech3c Ventures(De-register sole proprietorship)
Plush Entertainment (De-register sole proprietorship)
RVL Pte Ltd
Tech3C Ventures Pte Ltd
Present Brandz+ Pte Ltd
Luminox Pte Ltd
Balcony Pte Ltd
The Cannery Pte Ltd
Cannery Holding Pte Ltd
Cannery Leisure Pte ltd
Palms Development Pte Ltd
Mercier Group Pte Ltd
Tribeca Leisure Pte ltd
Intersovo Pte Ltd
Media Gorilla Pte Ltd
Sitesbase Pte Ltd
Cool Concepts Collective Pte Ltd
Massive Collective Pte Ltd
Lux Leisure Pte Ltd
Mulligan's Pte Ltd
151 projects Pte Ltd
Qumulus Pte Ltd
Foodbar Dada Pte Ltd
Filter Entertainment Pte Ltd
Stratus Pte Ltd
Calibre Models Pte Ltd
Sirrus Ventures Pte Ltd
Playhouse Club Pte Ltd
Arc Events Pte Ltd
Huff and Puff Pte Ltd
Food Matters Me Pte Ltd
Akma Ventures Pte Ltd
Pannux Pte Ltd
Centurion-Massive Pte Ltd
Orientstar Group Limited
Ozmium Pte Ltd
Muzco Pte Ltd